Building and Code Enforcement

Building Permit Application Process

  1. Obtain building permit application form from the Town of Stark Town Clerk
  2. Fill out all information associated with pertinent information and fees.
  3. Return completed application and appropriate fees to the Town Clerk.
  4. Make checks or money orders payable to the Town of Stark Town Clerk.
  5. Any sketches on the application must conform to the Land Use Regulations and Subdivision Regulations of the Town of Stark, including any set-backs from any roadway. Must also provide set backs from all other property lines and location to any other structure, water source and septic system on the property.
  6. No work covered by the application may begin before the issuance of a building permit. Upon approval by the Code Officer, a building permit will be issued to the applicant after payment has been received by the Town Clerk.
  7. Any permit issued must be displayed on the premises for the duration of the work process. A final inspection is necessary before a Certificate of Occupancy or a Certificate of Compliance is issued and is approved by the Code Officer.

Contact information:

Mr. Philip Green, Code Officer/Building Inspector

Phone 315-534-2232

